Changing Linux prompt


Working with images

  1. Crop image using Imagemagick:
    It removes the white space around the image.

    mogrify -trim *.png 
  2. Crop image based upon pixel
    sh convert input.jpg -crop WxH+L+T output.jpg
    W, H= width and height of the figure;
    L = Distance between the left edge of the image and left side of cropped area.;
    T = Distance between the top of the image and Top of the cropped area.

  3. Changing resolution

Working with pdf

  1. Extract a single/ set of pages from a pdf
  2. Joining two pdf
  3. Delete a page
  4. Cropping PDF
  5. Convert the PDF file to jpg or png
  6. Repair a pdf pdftk broken.pdf output fixed.pdf

Several time we have a code and its executables in a directory (lets call it code directory) and we have a working folder in which we will be performing tests. Lets call it working directory.

The executable files are present as folloing


Now, instead of calling code executable each time from the code we can create a soft link in working directory with the following command

link -s  path_of executable    path_where_to_create link 

e.g. to create its link in present folder we can use

link -s  a_very_long_path_to_code_dir/exename  .

Note: the dot in command (.) represent the current directory.

Accessing the Remote server

Sometime the user require to access the software/applications installed at server. This can be easily achieved in following ways depending upon the platform you are using. Assume the following:
1. Username is ‘HarryPotter’
2. Server IP address is


  1. Open the terminal by “ALT + CTRL + T”.

  2. Use the SSH command as following:
    $ssh username@IP_Address
    e.g. $ssh HarryPotter@

  3. After this the server asks for your password. Once you enter the password, you are in.

  4. If you want to see the graphics while accessing the remote terminal then you have to use X11 port forwarding. For this you must do following.

Transferring the files from one system to another system1.

  1. If sending to remote server from computer
    scp /file/to/send username@remote:/where/to/put
    If receiving from remote server to computer
    scp username@remote:/file/to/send /where/to/put

  2. Between a remote source and remote receiver.
    scp username@source:/location/to/file username@destination:/where/to/put

Periodic transfer/copy of files/files from server A to B using Rsync

To sync the files from server A (having original copy) to server B (where data to be copied).

  1. Install rsync on both servers. apt-get install rsync

  2. Generate SSH key on server B (with defaults). ssh-keygen
    The keys can be found in folder: /RootOfServerB/.ssh/

  3. Copy contents of key from B to A

  4. Copy contenet in A /RootOfServerA/.ssh/authorized_keys

  5. Start sync by running following command at server B sh rsync -avrt --delete --rsh='ssh -p 22' root@SERVER_A_IP_ADDRESS:/path PathServerB rsync -rh --delete --progress root@IP:~/specfem3d-master ~/Documents

  6. Setup Cron job (repeated job) /etc/crontab */3 * * * * root rsync -avrt --delete --rsh='ssh -p 22' root@SERVER_A_IP_ADDRESS:/path PathServerB/ >/dev/null 2>&1

Installing BLAS, LAPACK, LAPACKE, etc.