Welcome to FDwave

The pacakage is usefult for generating the seismic waves in different types of media.

Characterstics of code:

  1. 2D finite difference time domain modelling over-staggered grid.
  2. It can simulate the seismic wave propagation in the elastic media.
  3. It uses very efficient vectorized finite difference operator.

Content in package:

FDWAVE: This directory contains all the programs & functions related to seismic modelling.

SCRIPTS: This directory contains all the file containing commands used for the modelling. How to run the program

Documentation is provided with the code as well as available online.


The code doesnt require any special installation. However, the subroutine FDwave_initialize should be included in the beginning of scripts. Further, to avoid any (remote) possibility of confilct with other subroutines while running other codes,

If you are using this package then please cite following
1. Malkoti, A., Vedanti, N., Tiwari, R. K., 2018. An algorithm for fast elastic wave simulation using a vectorized finite difference operator. Computers & Geosciences 116, 23-31.
2. Lei Li, Jingqiang Tan, Dazhou Zhang, Ajay Malkoti, Ivan Abakumov & Yujiang Xie (2021). FDwave3D: a MATLAB solver for the 3D anisotropic wave equation using the finite-difference method. Computational Geosciences.

Ajay Malkoti, Scientist, CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute,
Hyderabad, India-500007

Email: ajmalkoti@gmail.com