


Ajay Malkoti
Seismic Group

Advance Seismic Methods, PHY-NGRI-3-4004


Dr. Ajay Malkoti,
Room No. 110, Main Building,
CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute,
Hyderabad-500007, India.

In this course I will present basics theory of seismic wave propagation and some related applications.
A tentative content/structure for the course is given below and can be changed according to the requirement of audiance.


A background in physics, calculus and mathematical methods, and signal processing

Course Outline

  1. Acousitc wave equation and its solution (2 Lectures)
  2. Concept of Stress/strain (2 Lectures)
  3. Elastic wave formulation and its solution (2 Lectures)
  4. Energy partitioning for normal and oblique incidence (1 Lecture)
  5. Green function and related theorems ( Uniqueness, Representation, Reciprocity, Lippman-schwinger, etc.) (2 Lectures)
  6. Seismic sources representation
  7. Concept and mathematical description of Imaging methods- Diffraction summation, Kirchoff method, RTM and FWI (3 Lectures).
  8. Finite difference modeling (2 Lectures)
Seismic sources and receivers charateristics,
2D/3D Acquisition,
... (yet to include)

Grading Policy

Grade assessment is based upon- Attendance (10%), Assignment (20%), Final exam (70%).
All the assignments must to be handed over before the due dates. Late submission will face a penalty of 20% for each delayed week. If the assignments are found to be copied (among student/from internet) it will be graded as zero.

Lecture Venue

AcSIR lecture Hall, Ist Floor, Ext. Building, CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad-500007, India

Exam schedule and venue

To be anounced

Reference Material:

Aki and Richards- Quantitative seismology-University Science Books (2009)
BATH,M - Mathematical Aspects of Seismology (1968)
BERKHOUT- 14A,B Seismic Migration_ Imaging of Acoustic Energy by Wave Field Extrapolation. Theoretical Aspects (1984)
Bleistein- Mathematical Methods for Wave Phenomenon
Cohen,Stockwell, and Bleistein-Mathematics of multidimentional seismic imagiing, migration and inversion
Kaufman etc.- Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields in Geophysics, part-I,II,III
Pilant- Elastic Waves in the Earth (1979)
Stolt, Weglein- Seismic Imaging and Inversion_ Volume 1_ Application of Linear Inverse Theory-Cambridge University Press (2012)
WAPENAAR and BERKHOUT - Elastic Wave Field Extrapolation-Elsevier Science (1989)
Yilmaz- Seismic data processing
Geldart and Sherrif- Exploration Seismology

Morse,Ingard- Theoretical acoustics-McGraw-Hill (1968)
Menahem, Singh- Seismic Waves and Sources, 1981
Carcione - Wave Fields in Real Media, 3ed
Slawinski-Waves And rays in elastic continua-World Scientific Publishing Company (2007)
Achenbach-Reciprocity in elastodynamics-Cambridge University Press (2003)
Fokkema- Seismic application of acoustic reciprocity
Love AEH- A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity

Novotny- Seismic Surface Waves
Graff- Wave motion in elastic solids
Sadd-Theory Application and Numerics
Landau Lifshitz-TheoryOfElasticity
Biot-Mechanics of Incremental Deformations (1965)
Jensen,Kuperman,-Computatinal Acostics

Reference Papers: