


Ajay Malkoti
Seismic Group

Numerical Methods for Geoscientist, AcSIR-28-PS-AD-022


Dr. Ajay Malkoti,
Room No. 110, Main Building,
CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute,
Hyderabad-500007, India.

In this course, I introduce participants to basic numerical methods which are useful in solving geophysical problems.
A tentative list of content for the course is given below. The course can be molded partially as per the audience requirements and availability of lecturers.


A background in mathematical physics.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Python (4 Lectures)
  2. Machine numbers and errors (2 Lectures)
  3. Sol of Algebraic equations (2 Lectures)
  4. Eigen values and Eigen vectors (2 Lectures)
  5. Roots of Non linear equation (2 Lectures)
  6. Interpolation (2 Lectures)
  7. Numerical Differentiation and Integration (4 Lectures)
  8. Optimization (7 Lectures)
  9. Solution of ODE (3 Lectures)
  10. Solution of PDE using FDM (4 Lectures)
  11. Solution of PDE using FEM (12 Lectures)
... (yet to include)

Grading Policy

Grade assessment is based upon
All the assignments must be handed over before the due dates. Late submission will face a penalty of 20% for each delayed week. If the assignment is found to be copied (among students/from the internet), that will be graded as zero.

Lecture Venue

AcSIR Lecture Hall, Ist Floor, Ext. Building, CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad-500007, India

Exam schedule and venue

To be announced

Reference Material:


  1. E. Ward Cheney and David R. Kincaid : Numerical Mathematics and Computing
  2. Burden and Faires : Numerical Analysis
  3. J. Stoer and R. Bulirsch : Introduction to Numerical Analysis
  4. Kendall Atkinson : An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2ed, 1989.
  5. H. M. Antia : Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, 2002.
  6. Quarteroni, A., Sacco, R., & Saleri, F. Numerical mathematics, 2006.
  7. K. Atkinson, W. Han : Theoretical Numerical Analysis: A Functional Analysis Framework, 2001.
  8. J.N.Reddy : Finite element analysis
  9. P.Sesu : Finite element analysis
  10. W. H. Press, B. P. Flannery, S. A. Teukolsky, and W. T. Vettering : Numerical Recipes, 1989

Reference Papers: